Strategy Breakdown

Maximizing Symbiotic restaking ecosystem exposure and accumulating airdrop plays in an automated way.

→ Amphor Symbiotic LRT vault is accessible here: link

The Symbiotic LRT Vault uses ERC-4626 standard and proposes focused exposure to Symbiotic restaking infrastructure. AmphrETH LRT, among other Symbiotic-native LRTs deployed via Mellow Factory, act as the exposure vehicle for the Symbiotic LRT Vault. This vault generates Wrapped Staked ETH (wstETH) native yield and accrues Symbiotic, Mellow, and Amphor points.

Symbiotic-native LRTs include:

  • amphrETH LRT

  • SteakLRT

  • Re7LRT

  • rstETH

Symbiotic-based LRTs unlock access to Symbiotic networks via verified curators in charge of monitoring:

✅ Operator authority bias

✅ Unintended slashing

✅ Trust/security assumptions

The Symbiotic LRT vault powered by Amphor (amphrETH LRT) benefits are fourfold:

wstETH staking yield: By securing the Ethereum network, users earn ETH staking rewards

Symbiotic Points: Points generated from the Symbiotic DAO

Mellow Points: Points generated from the Mellow DAO

Amphor Points x2: Additional points generated from the Amphor DAO

At inception, the Symbiotic LRT vault has whitelisted and integrated 4 LRTs as underlying assets, namely:

Amphor Symbiotic LRT vault:

  • Asset deposit options:

⇢ wstETH, wETH, ETH, stETH, weETH, USDC, USDT and DAI.

The Zapper function automatically converts deposits from a pre-selected list of assets to the Vault's underlying asset. The Zapper removes the need for users to swap to wETH (vault underlying asset) themselves on Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) or DEX aggregators.

Symbiotic LRT vault is designed using the ERC-20 standard with synchronous deposit and asynchronous withdrawal characteristics. Therefore, deposits are instant and do not require passing through a bounding period - users receive LP tokens directly in their wallets at the time of deposit.

Withdrawals, however, are asynchronous and have to pass through the unbounding period, which typically takes 3-5 days. As inflows/outflows volume and frequency are expected to increase over time, the vault will settle more often accordingly.

Last updated