
All our strategies are ERC-4626 based

The Amphor vault strategies are ERC-4626 based and follows the EIP-4626 documentation.

  • The vault is only live on Ethereum Mainnet.

  • Amphor vaults are denominated in wETH (Boosted ETH vault) and wstETH (Symbiotic LRT vault) while allowing deposits/withdrawals in a set of pre-approved assets: ETH, stETH, wETH, weETH, wstETH, DAI, USDT and USDC.

About ERC-4626

ERC-4626, also known as the "tokenized vault standard" is a protocol for tokenized vaults that represent shares of yield-bearing tokens and is built upon the ERC-20 token standard. In essence, a tokenized vault comprises two components: an underlying asset (in our instance, wETH and wstETH) and another asset (a token) representing shares in the vault. The price of a share respect the following formula:

sharePrice=totalUnderlying/totalsharessharePrice = totalUnderlying / total shares

How do Amphor v1 vaults work?

Upon depositing wstETH/wETH (or other eligible assets through the zapper), users get an equivalent number of shares in exchange for the underlying assets transferred to the vault. These shares can subsequently be redeemed to retrieve the original assets and accrued rewards if applicable.

Deposit and withdrawal mechanisms are different based on the vault and ERC standards being used. Asynchronous deposits and withdrawals characterize the Boosted ETH vault while the Symbiotic LRT vault offers synchronous deposits but asynchronous withdrawals.

Last updated